
+91 84488 13136
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ProDerm Solutions
26, Block D, South Extension Part 2, New Delhi-110049


Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Hair loss has many causes. What’s causing your hair loss can determine whether your hair falls out gradually or abr
Hereditary hair loss
Both men and women develop this type of hair loss, which is the most common cause of hair loss worldwide. In men, it’s called male pattern hair loss. Women get female pattern hair loss. Regardless of whether it develops in a man or women, the medical term is androgenic alopecia. In women, the first noticeable sign of hereditary hair loss is usually overall thinning or a widening part. When a man has hereditary hair loss, the first sign is often a receding hairline or bald spot at the top of his head.

Treatment includes topical minoxidil, hair transplant and wigs.

Thyroid disease
If you have a problem with your thyroid, you may see thinning hair. Some people notice that their hair comes out in clumps when they brush it.
Too little biotin, iron, protein, or zinc
If you’re not getting enough of one or more of these, you can have noticeable hair loss.

Alopecia areata is a disease that develops when the body’s immune system attacks hair follicles (what holds the hair in place), causing hair loss. You can lose hair anywhere on your body, including your scalp, inside your nose, and in your ears. Some people lose their eyelashes or eyebrows. It is characterised by sudden loss of patches of hair on scalp and body. Poor outcome happens in association with atopic dermatitis, stress, family members with alopecia areata and onset in young age, It is also associated with autoimmune diseases like vitiligo, thyroiditis, lichen planus and psoriasis.
Hair may frow spontaneously in mild cases and in others topical, intralesional corticosteroids are used. Advanced cases may need immunosuppressives.

It is characterised intensely itchy small bumps usually on legs and arm but back and other sites may be affected. When the skin itches, it causes an uncontrollable urge to scratch and rub. After about six weeks, hard bumps called nodules appear where you’ve been scratching and rubbing. The bumps are also intensely itchy. The frequent scratching can cause scrapes and tears on the skin. Some people scratch until the itchy bumps break open and bleed or the skin feels too painful to touch. The open and injured skin can become infected.

Why some people develop prurigo nodularis isn’t fully understood. Many who get this disease already have another condition that causes extremely itchy skin like atopic dermatitis, and stress, low mood.

All of these conditions can cause repeated itching and scratching, which dermatologists call the itch-scratch-itch cycle. Treatment for prurigo nodularis focuses on breaking this itch-scratch-itch cycle. If scratching has become something that you do without thinking about it, breaking this cycle can take time.
When dermatologists create a treatment plan for prurigo nodularis, the plan often includes medication, skin care, and tips to help you stop scratching.

Currently there is an epidemic of skin fungal infections that are not responding well to standard therapy. It is due to many factors like incomplete treatment- person stopping treatment as soon as symptoms disappear. It may be noted that you need to continue treatment at least 3 weeks after clearance of skin rash. In addition, use of OTC ointments containing topical corticosteroids only suppresses symptoms but does not cure fungal infection. It also plays role in making fungus resistant to treatment.
Multiple family members may be affected and all of them need to take treatment together to avoid transmission of infection from one to another. Association of diabetes, obesity, systemic immunosuppressives, atopic dermatitis is also associated with poor response to therapy.
Proper hygiene, wearing fully dried clothes especially in rainy season, washing jeans frequently, pet hygiene may help in prevention of fungal infections. If your fungal infection is not healing after standard treatment, whattsapp at 8448813136.

Skin becomes more dry in winters especially in persons with tendency for allergy and in elderly individuals. In winters take bath with luke warm water. Avoid medicated soaps and use moisturizing soaps or syndets. Apply coconut oil or moisturizer immediately after bath.

Lips and hands also require special care and frequent application of petrolatum or commercially available hand cream.

If above measures donot help, you need to consult a dermatologist.

Acne are caused by obstruction of sebaceous glands duct opening into hair follicle and many factors affect occurrence of acne. Face washes are key to keeping skin oil free and prevent development of acne. Taking care of dandruff is also important for improvement of acne. Avoid facial creams as they may aggravate acne. Donot squeeze pimples as it makes them worse. Check your weight and look for growth of hair on side of face. Presence of excessive hair on chin and side of face suggests hormonal imbalance and it would need separate hormonal tests, ultrasound pelvis and appropriate treatment.

Diet also plays important role. Avoid high calorie foods and fried foods, frequent fast food, and excessive dairy products.

Finally, donot ignore acne and regular treatment can prevent marks and scars on face that would later need expensive treatment including lasers. Donot squeeze pimples and consult a dermatologist at the earliest as home remedies and self treatments guided by google or Instagram are expensive and have a limited role. Consult dermatologist at the earliest- Whattsapp at 8448813136

Care of child with atopic dermatitis is difficult and time consuming but can be learned with patience under guidance of a dermatologist. Get vaccinations done after consulting your doctor. Give short bath ( less than 5 minutes ) and apply moisturizer. Use soft cotton inner clothes and avoid woolens directly on the skin.

Regular visit to dermatologist and application of corticosteroid or tacrolimus creams and moisturisers is essential. Continue moisturisers and dermatologist visits even after skin has improved. This is the time to learn about prevention or minimization of dermatitis- whattsapp at 8448813136. The motto is moisturizers and moisturisers application.

Chronic urticaria is a troublesome condition and may need long term therapy. Anti allergic medications may have to be taken for several months. They are safe and help in improving the quality of life. Discuss safety of long term with your dermatologist. You may need allergy testing and total IgE estimation in addition to routine tests.

Look for focus of infection in gums, genital discharges and urine infection. It may be difficult to find exact cause of urticaria in majority of patients.

In many skin diseases, it is frequently asked why a particular individual is affected by it. Psoriasis and Vitiligo are multifactorial disease and are affected by genetic factors , stress, pollution, and viral and bacterial infections that alter immunity. In psoriasis combination of these factors starts a process in which skin proliferates at faster pace leading to development of red scaly patches over elbow, knee, back and scalp. In vitiligo same combination of factors results in production of antibodies against color producing skin cells ( melanocytes ) and it results damage or incapacitation of melanocytes to produce melanin resulting in white patches on skin and gray hairs.

It is difficult for an individual avoid any of above factors. It might be wiser not to dwell upon why me but to focus on treatment and learn about aggravating factors of psoriasis or vitiligo and take precautions.

For more information contact us whattsapp at 8448813136

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease like thyroid disease commonly seen in women. Oral medication and topical ointements can greatly improve most of vitiligo patches. Any remaining patches can be treated with skin or cellular grafting. Vitiligo is not infectious. Donot point fingers at person with vitiligo and donot go on suggesting treatment. It does not help and increases mental stress in the person affected by vitiligo. Vitiligo patient not only needs skin treatment but also needs support to combat anxiety and feeling low or depression.

For more information contact us- whattsapp at 8448813136

Traditional Indian Medicine system places a lot of stress on diet in the treatment of vitiligo/leukoderma. In allopathic system – national association of dermatologists (IADVL) has concluded that normal diet can be allowed for improving quality of life in vitiligo cases. Diet restrictions have very limited role in the treatment of vitiligo.

Indians love fair skin and many normal persons also want to become fair. There are several over the counter fairness creams. Dermatologists do not consider them safe as many of them contain corticosteroids and they can make skin thin, red and produce burning sensation. It is suggested that OTC products for fair skin must be avoided. Consult a dermatologist for advise on sunscreens and complexion clearing with medications, chemical peels and lasers.

For more information contact us- whattsapp at 8448813136

Care of child with atopic dermatitis is difficult and time consuming but can be learned with patience under guidance of a dermatologist. Get vaccinations done after consulting your doctor. Give short bath ( less than 5 minutes ) and apply moisturizer. Use soft cotton inner clothes and avoid woolens directly on the skin.

Regular visit to dermatologist and application of corticosteroid or tacrolimus creams and moisturisers is essential. Continue moisturisers and dermatologist visits even after skin has improved. This is the time to learn about prevention or minimization of dermatitis.

Lips and hands also require special care and frequent application of petrolatum or commercially available hand cream.

If above measures donot help, you need to consult a dermatologist.

Its for your Great Skin!

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