Clinical Dermatology
Clinical Dermatology
ProDerm Solutions Skin and Hair Clinic provides full solution to all skin diseases and hair loss problems in men and women. We provide the latest treatment and follow international guidelines. We specialize in treatment of Acne, Fungal Infections, Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Lichen planus, Pemphigus, Alopecia,Fungal infections, Itching , skin allergy including atopic dermatitis, urticaria, eczema, drug allergy and allergy test. We have expertise in management complex skin problems and Genital disorders and sexually transmitted diseases.
We provide comprehensive antiaging and pigmentation solutions with lasers, chemical peels and microneedling.

Acne is caused by obstruction of sebaceous glands duct opening into hair follicle and many factors affect occurrence of acne especially family members with acne, hormonal factors, type of skin, diet and stress. Face washes are key to keeping skin of face oil free and prevent development of acne. We have treatment regimen to treat both mild and severe acne, teenage and adult acne, acne with hormonal imbalance. The treatment of acne will prevent and minimize scarring. We also provide chemical peels for acne, as well as treat acne scarring with surgical methods or Resurfacing Laser.

Acne Vulgaris is another term for common acne. Most people in their lives might have suffered from Acne Vulgaris. It is a chronic disease that occurs when hair follicles get clogged with dead skin cells and oil from the skin. It can be seen on the face, neck, back, chest, etc. The three out of every four people between 11 to 30 years of age gets affected by it. The condition is not serious, but it may leave scars on the skin.

Vitiligo or leukoderma can be a stigmatizing disorder. We can treat vitiligo with immunosuppressive s, phototherapy, and cellular grafting. Our trained staff can take care of psychological or mental health aspects of vitiligo. We have successfully treated more than large number of cases of vitiligo.

Dermatitis and Eczema
Dermatitis and Eczema are essentially a dermatological disorder and it can be caused internal or external factors. The staff at Proderm Solutions understands different kinds of skin, for example- dry, oily, sensitive skin, skin prone to eczema and how plan skin care for different types of skin. Dr Sharma is an internationally renowned expert and has treated large number of patients of eczema, carried out allergy testing. He has also served on Editorial board of journal on eczema/dermatitis.

We treat both alopecia areata and hair loss in men and women. We have treated more than large number of cases alopecia in men and women with excellent results. We are providing treatment post covid 19 hair loss. Trichoscopy and trichograms-We have dermatoscope to provide nearly one hundred fifty times magnification to assess hair loss patients and response to treatment. We do regular trichoscopy to find out cause of hair loss.

Urticaria is an allergic reaction and presents with itchy bumps that increase in size on scratching. It may be associated with swelling of lips and eyes rarely breathing problems. Antihistaminics are the mainstay of treatment.

Fungal infections
Currently there is an epidemic of skin fungal infections that are not responding well to standard therapy. It may be due to many factors like incomplete treatment- person stopping treatment as soon as symptoms disappear. In addition, use of combination drugs like OTC ointments containing topical corticosteroids that only suppresses symptoms but do not cure fungal infection. It also plays role in making them resistant to treatment.

Warts corns
Warts are caused by human papilloma virus infection and present as rough papules on hands and feet and may spread to other parts of body. Prompt treatment can prevent spread. Corns are hardened part of skin on the pressure point and are painful and warts are rarely painful.

Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes a rash with itchy, scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. Psoriasis is a common, long-term (chronic) disease. It can be itchy and disturbing due to its persistence. It can be treated with topical ointments and small percentage may need immunosuppressives or biologics.

Allergy Testing
Skin allergy can present as rashes, urticaria or eczema. It can be caused by drug allergy or external agents like parthenium and hair dyes allergy. We have experts that have developed allergy test kits used in India. We can do allergy patch test with standard series, cosmetic series any material brought by the patient. If you have cosmetic, earring, footwear contact dermatitis- you contact us, we will help you find allergen and alternative cosmetics. We are also providing comprehensive allergy tests for food allergy, inhalant allergy and IgE test.
Its for your Great Skin!
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